Proposal Template

Welcome to Clip Finance Governance Proposals

Hello Clip Community!

Whether you’re proposing a new feature, suggesting a protocol improvement, or initiating a community initiative, your ideas are invaluable to our ecosystem.

Before You Begin

  1. Research: Ensure your idea hasn’t been proposed before. Check past proposals and ongoing discussions. As well as passed and rejected proposals.
  2. Discuss: Share your idea in the community forums first. Gathering feedback can help refine your proposal.
  3. Be Clear: Clarity is key. Make sure your proposal is easy to understand for all community members.
  4. Be Specific: Provide concrete details, implementation steps, and potential impacts.
  5. Be Open: Be ready to engage in discussions and potentially revise your proposal based on community feedback.

Creating a Strong Proposal

A well-structured proposal increases its chances of being understood, discussed, and potentially implemented. Use the template below to ensure you cover all necessary aspects.

Let’s dive in!

Title: [Enter a clear, concise title for your proposal]

Author(s): [Enter name(s) or pseudonym(s) of associated authors]

Status: [RFC (Request for Comments) / Formal Proposal]

Related Discussions: [Optional - Link to any previous forum discussions or related proposals]

[Provide a brief overview of your proposal in 2-3 sentences. Think elevator pitch.]

[Offer context about the current situation or problem this proposal aims to address. Why is this important now?]

[Explain the specific problems this proposal will solve and the value it adds to Clip Finance and its community.]

Specification & Implementation:
[Describe your proposal in detail. Include:

  • The vision for the proposal
  • Technical, social, financial, and governance impacts
  • Step-by-step implementation plan
  • Timeline for implementation (if applicable)]

[Explain why this is the best approach. Discuss any alternatives considered and why they were not chosen.]

[List the key benefits and positive outcomes expected from implementing this proposal.]

Risks and Mitigation:
[Identify potential risks or downsides to the proposal. Discuss how these risks can be mitigated or managed.]

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
[Define measurable indicators that will show whether the proposal is successful after implementation.]

Resource Requirements:
[Outline any resources (financial, technical, human) needed to implement this proposal.]

[Define what “For,” “Against,” and “Abstain” votes mean for this proposal. Once the Snapshot vote is live, add the link here.]

Further Discussion:
[Encourage continued discussion and provide contact information or preferred communication channels for follow-up questions.]

Thank you for contributing to the growth and development of Clip Finance. Together, we’re building the future of decentralized finance!

Happy proposing!

The Clip Finance Team